Antoinaut Vairemont

At-A- Glance:
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 27
Height: 6'2
Weight: Average
Hair: Pale blue with white streaks
Race: Duskwight Elezen
Main Class: Bard/Dancer
Profession: Romance Novelist/Author
Status: Engaged
Server: Goblin/Crystal
Voice Claim:

~This Carrd is a WIP-


He grew up within the Shroud outside of Gridania with his parents and his two younger siblings. At an early age Ant realized that he had a gift and talent with music and words. He also enjoyed being out in the woods as well.However since puberty he has been constantly plagued by chronic migraines, often times so incapacitating that he would have to lay down to deal with them. This put a damper on anything too strenuous. Lucky for him he was able to find a publisher for his works, the Vairemont Volumes and has been self-employed.For a time, Ant was living within a secret cave in the Shroud with his carbuncle, Ruby. It was a nice refuge from the world, and he could live rent free, as even though writing has always been a joy to him, the cost of living was higher. However, as he began to interact with others, a few caught wind of how he was living and helped him purchase a modest home at first in the Lavender Beds. Over time, and with the help of others, he has procured himself a lovely homestead. His books are also selling well. He still resides there to this day.He still goes on adventures of course, but not without his trusty medicine and notebook. You never know when inspiration will strike.Currently Ant is looking to make new friends and connections. He loves to meet new people and get new ideas for his books or just to hangout. He will often charm with his silver tongue, or at least treat you to one of his random creations he has baked. While romance is on the table, it will be something that has to happen naturally, and never forced.

Rp Hooks + Traits

Here are some possible Hooks that you may have met Ant:Gridania
Cafe/ Bar RP
Reading Books/Library
Positive: Charming, Curious, Insightful, Creative, Loyal, Caring, Romantic
Negative: Smoker, Impetuous, Brazen, Bold, Free Spirit, Forgetful

Vairemont Volumes

Antion's novels come in two varieties
"Red" versions have a red sticker on the side and are intended for audiences 18+
"Blue" versions have a blue sticker on the side and are intended for PG-13 audiences
These books can be paid for with RP Gil (No money needed) Though you can tip if you want
All individual book titles are 12000 gil each
Collection Albums (Volume 1-3): 36,000 gil
Subscriptions. These allow the member to have access to all new novels that come out on a yearly or monthly basis.
Monthly: 30,000 gil
Yearly: 330,000 gil (One month free!)

Volume 1:
Includes the following stories:
The Winekeeper
The local vicar has a particular tastes for rare vintages, but when a newcomer arrives to his small town he is intrigued. Together they learn about passion for life, and for fine wine.    Love is the sweetest vintage. (M+M)
On Wayward Shore
A local woman has fallen in love with a man who spends most of his life out at sea.    She only can see him once every year or so, and there is so much to catch up on.    Finally out of desperation to see her beloved, she dresses and pretends to be a man to get on his traveling ship and spend more time with him.    (F+M Crossdressing.)
In Dreams
A sickly prince dreams of his ideal lover, though he can not leave his bedside. One day, a handsome physician comes to try an experimental treatment. He promises it can save his life. These treatments become more and more intimate as he finds himself falling for this healer. But he only has a limited time left to live. (M+M Heated)
Hidden Treasures
A band of pirates have crashed on an island far out to sea. All but one of them unfortunately perished. Slowly making his way to shore, the man strikes up an unusual relationship with one of the natives who found him. Except this native has a secret. He’s a merman!    Can a man really love a fish? (M+M)
Mirrored Beauty.
A woman buys an enchanted mirror in a boutique only to find out the mirror is enchanted and works as a two way link pearl with another woman in a far off land. The two strike a lovely friendship, and begin to develop even more feelings for each other, though they can never meet due to having an ocean between them.
Volume 2:
In Blood
Two hired shinobi find themselves hired to kill the same mark. The two men then begin to show off to each other their skills once the marked man has been taken down.    Over time the men become friends, though they never know each other’ s true identity. They do say love is blind! (M+M)
Sweet Whispers
A man runs a local confectionary shop but slips in special ingredients to help his patrons find true love. Out of curiosity, he tastes one of his own treats, only to fall in love with the next patron who walks in through the door. But the candy potion only lasts for a few hours. The lovely lady however will have none of his admirations until she too, eats the candy.    Can they sustain their interest for longer than the candy box? (M+F )
Every day, a young woman comes to the beach and collects a single seashell. One day, she runs into another young lady who is doing the same thing. Every time they meet they collect a seashell each and their collection and friendship grows between them. Soon they exchange gifts and become closer. Will the call of the sea bring these ladies truest love? (F+F)
An elezen veteran who just came back from the Dragonsong War still thirsts for adventure,    despite all the trauma he faced during the war. While taking a respite in the Forgotten Knight, he spies a young and handsome bard retelling stories. But the bard had never been to the fights he was singing about. The dragoon tells him true stories, and in them, relives the adventures. After the two of them visit the places of the former war and in time both of their wounds are healed with the power of music.
Chef Kiss
An employee at the Hydaline is an aspiring culinarian but can never seem to catch a break. All her recipes come out dry or unappetizing. Yet she still wishes to learn how to cook. Another student in her class takes an interest in her and decides to pair up with her to make both of their cooking better. Together they rise through the ranks of the culinary school to eventually take top marks, and perhaps taking each other’s hearts in the process! (M+F)
Volume 3:
Remember Me
A couple has spent many years together, but unfortunately due to a tragic accident, one of the men slowly begins to loose his memory. Can his lover help their love alive while the other slowly forgets? True love conquers all obstacles, but together they can work together until the last, golden memory slips from thought.    Bittersweet, but the man does everything in his power to keep the love alive. (M+M)
Love in the Time of Chocobos
During a training run with his Chocobo, a trainer slips and falls, breaking his legs. After being rescued by a fair young fellow trainer, they start to develop romantic feelings as they both heal and bond in their love of their chocobos. Even their two chocobos begin a harmonious mating and make adorable chocobos.    Featuring a wonderful joint marriage of chocobos and their trainers!    (M+F)
Love, She Wrote
An uninspired writer goes to a writing workshop to learn how to overcome her own writer’s block when she meets up with the most gorgeous lady, also at the club. The two exchange heated words and grow closer together. They decide to write a book together to test their own bonds of friendship and love. When the book is finished, the two ladies find themselves even more entangled in the language of love. (F+F)
The Fairest Flower
Once every hundred years, a flower booms in a royal garden, and becomes a man. The innocent creature, born fully adult marvels at the world around him, yet only remembers one kind soul that tended to him as he was blooming. Desperate to find this caretaker, his heart sinks to realize the man has since passed away. So much time has passed. The Flower man goes on a search to find the matching soul of the man he fell in love with as a flower- and with it a grand journey of exploration. (M+M)
A Thousand Years
Two fated lovers, but their families did not approve of their union. One day, the two find a book of old rituals that would bond the souls together. Little did they know, it not only bonded them in this time, but in all the reincarnations of their souls until eternity. Every thousand years the two lovers meet and exchange tales of their lives, then live and die, only to meet once more a thousand years later. A tale of endless and powerful love . (M+F).
More Volumes Coming Soon!

Services Provided:This is a small sampling of what Antoin can currently help with, both OOC and IC.Backstory services include :
Simple read through (If you have already created a story and just want someone to read it over/ check it for things.)
A full backstory revamp with questions and ideas to help you develop your character more fully, also comes with two consult sessions if you need to change something later.
I will not do any graphic poems, romance is fine as well as silly, but anything that borders on ERP territory I reserve the right to refuse. Also I will not use foul language. Otherwise, any style , length etc, is available. Please allow one to two weeks for delivery.
This varies greatly because of the price of materials within the house and my own time. At the bare minimum I'd set aside 2 Mil so that we have enough money to get what we need done .
Small: 1-2 million in gil for my time and effort. Unless you make your own items and then give them to me. Possibly up to 2.5 million.
Medium: 2-4 million
Large: I have never decorated a large before so this will obviously take more time, prolly 6-7 million.
Houses can take anywhere from 4-6 hours to days depending on complexity. You will need to allow me to have access to your house. (You can revoke it later.) Currently I have characters that can access housing on:Balmung
If you have any questions, please let me know. Prices may vary as well depending on how long it takes me to do a housing commission. So please be flexible, what I have put down are base pricing.Posing:
Right now I am quite a beginner at this, this may change. So right now I am doing this mostly for free as I learn how to use the programs etc. But this may change in the future.

Services Provided  
Help with BackstorySimple Read Through25,000 Gil
Help with BackstoryDetailed with Edits50,000-100,000 gil
Custom Poem/StoryDepends on length200,000-500,000 gil
House Remodel+DecorDepends on House Size1 mil-4+ plus material fees for objects wanted in house (trades also accepted)
Poses/ ColabsDependsPrice negotiable as I get better with this

OOC and Rules

About the Mun:
I am a nonbinary, LGBTQA+ roleplayer over the age of 21. I use the pronouns they/them. I have been playing FF for almost two years now, but I have been roleplaying for much longer. I love meeting new folks and writing new storylines with people. Thankyou for taking the time to read my OOC section! If you have any questions, please don't hestiate to ask!
I am in the EST time zone (GMT-5). I am available to RP most days from 10am to 9:30pmIf I am not free to RP, we can always schedule something in-game or on Discord.I will not roleplay the following under any circumstance: incest, rape, noncon, gore, vore, golden showers, scat, excessive blood, torture. If you are unsure about if something is on my red list, please ask. I value OOC communication!Antoinaut Vairemont@ Goblin
Discord: By Request

Will DoWon't Do
Mature / Gritty / Fluffy/ Pre-planned storylineCharacter death
OOC CommunicationOOC Attachment and/or Harrassment.
Realistic combatPowergaming / Metagaming
LGBTQ+ ThemesUnderage RP (18+ Please)